Pre-Birth Acupuncture

Pre-Birth Acupuncture in London

What is Pre-Birth Acupuncture?

The London Acupuncture Space recommend Pre-Birth Acupuncture from week 36 onwards in the final 4 weeks of pregnancy to prepare women's body's for childbirth.

Weekly acupuncture treatments from week 36 to week 40 promote a healthy and natural birth, with emphasis on preparing the cervix and pelvis for labour.

The acupuncture points used boost energy, aid relaxation and nourish the blood in the body, soften the ligaments and tendons prior to labour, and aid in cervical dilation.


Benefits of Pre-Birth Acupuncture?

Feedback from midwives about pre-birth acupuncture is that acupuncture has:
  • Reduced the length of time women spent in labour
  • Reduced the number of women requiring medical intervention (medical induction, epidural and caesarian section)
  • Increased normal vaginal deliveries

Pre-Birth Acupuncture Research

Research from New Zealand showed that pregnant women who receive pre-birth treatment, either go into spontaneous labour around their due dates, or if induction is required they respond well to acupuncture induction and move efficiently into a natural labour.

Research has demonstrated that the duration of labour in a group of 140 women giving birth for the first time was reduced from 8 hours and 2 minutes in the control group to 6 hours and 36 minutes in the group that received pre-birth acupuncture on a weekly basis from week 36 until the due date.

Betts D, Lennox S. "Acupuncture for prebirth treatment: An observational study of its use in midwifery practice." Medical acupuncture 2006 May; 17(3):17-20

Acupuncture in Pregnancy Testimonial

Acupuncture in Pregnancy Case Study

The London Acupuncture Space has undergone extensive training in Fertility Acupuncture and Obstetrics Acupuncture at the Royal College of Physicians in London and at the reknowned Zita West Fertility Clinic.

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