Pregnancy Acupuncture, London
Our pregnancy acupuncture clinics in London offers specialist services in pregnancy acupuncture.
Our obstetrics acupuncturist, Charlotte Steed worked for renowned midwife, Zita West and is proud to receive referals from independant midwives, hospital maternity units and the Barkantine Birth Centre.
Our pregnancy acupuncture clinics offer maternity reflexology and pregnancy acupuncture during all stages of pregnancy.
We offer pregnancy acupuncture for morning sickness, breech babies, pelvic and back pain, and our
pre-birth acupuncture programme is extremely popular.
We offer pregnancy acupuncture for labour induction, and post-natally for hormonal re-balancing, c-section healing, lacation problems and baby blues/post natal depression.
Our Pregnancy Acupuncture Programme
Preparing for a Pregnancy
Preparation for pregnancy can begin several months prior to conception. If both partners adopt a preconceptual healthcare programme including fertility acupuncture, reflexology and nutrition for at least 3-4 months prior to conception, it is possible to have an impact on the health of both the egg and sperm and reproductive outcomes.
The First Trimester: (0-12 weeks)
We recommend weekly pregnancy acupuncture during the first trimester. During this stage, there is an increased risk of miscarriage and an even higher risk with IVF pregnancies or where there has been recurrent miscarriage. Maternity reflexology is not available until week 13.
The Second Trimester: (13-28 weeks)
We recommend bi-weekly or monthly pregnancy acupuncture or maternity reflexology during this stage depending on the symptoms associated with your pregnancy.
The Third Trimester: (29-36 weeks)
We recommend bi-weekly or monthly pregnancy acupuncture or maternity reflexology during this stage depending on the symptoms associated with your pregnancy.
The Third Trimester: (36-40 weeks): Pre-Birth Acupuncture
We recommend
Pre-Birth Acupuncture in the final four weeks of pregnancy from week 36 to week 40 to prepare for childbirth.
We receive referals for our pre-birth acupuncture programme from medics and midwives.
Post-Natal Care
Acupuncture and reflexology play a key role in the post-natal period to aid recovery. We recommend a couple of acupuncture or reflexology treatments post birth, the first being 3-5 days after childbirth. This treatment is extremely gentle and supportive and helps to restore a hormonal balance.
We offer a 'Mother Warming' treatment which involves the use of a moxa stick to warm the lower abdomen. It is soothing and therapeutic and wonderful post c-section as it aids recovery.
Conditions That Can Benefit From Pregnancy Acupuncture or Maternity Reflexology:
- Stop Smoking
- Miscarriage
- Morning Sickness
- Nausea
- Heartburn
- Depression or Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Fatigue and Exhaustion
- Small-for-Date Babies
- Posterior Position
- Breech Presentation
- Pre-Birth Acupuncture (week 36)
- Pelvic Pain/SPD
- Symphysis Pubic Pain
- Muscular-skeletal Conditions
- Painful Conditions
- Back Pain
- Neck or Shoulder Tension
- Rib Pain
- Headaches
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Varicose Veins
- Leg Cramps
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Thrush
- Constipation
- Digestive Complaints
- Haemorroids
- Oedema | Swollen Ankles
- Hypertension | HBP
- Sinusitis
- Anaemia
- Labour Induction
- Pain Relief During Childbirth
- Acupressure During Childbirth
- Stillbirth
- Uterine Bleeding
- Post Natal Depression
- Uterine Bleeding
- Abdominal Cramps
- Post Natal Depression
- Breast Feeding Problems
- Breast Discomfort
- Mastitis
- Insufficient Lactation
- Night Sweats
- Exhaustion
- Weight Loss