Terms and Conditions

24 hour Cancellation Policy

All cancelled, and re-scheduled appointments require 24 hours notice, otherwise the full treatment charge is incurred. Cancellations and appointment changes are to be made by email.

Missed Appointments

Missed appointments will be charged at the full treatment rate.

Bills Payable

A credit/debit/switch facility is not available, therefore all payments must be made by cash or bank transfer in advance of each treatment.


Initial consultations are 40 minutes and include an acupuncture treatment. All follow-up appointments are 40 minutes. Babies and children's initial consultations are 40 mins and include a treatment. Follow-ups are 20 minutes.

Special Offers

Special Offers are subject to change and are limited to the specified time period. Courses of treatments must be paid in advance and are non-refundable.

Invoices Payable

All invoices must be paid within 14 working days of date of invoice. If payment is not received within this time, a late payment fee of £15 will be payable. If payment is not received within 30 days of date of invoice, a further fee of £15 will be payable. Unpaid invoices will be pursued through the small claims court.

Time Management

To ensure consistency in bookings, all appointments have an allocated time slot. Late arrivals will therefore have a reduced treatment time and the treatment fee will remain unchanged.

By using www.londonacupuncturespace.com website you are legally bound to comply with our terms and conditions. All photographs have been purchased from istockphoto library.

The content of this website is intended for general use and is not designed to diagnose or treat or replace medical advice.

It is your duty to inform your G.P. and complimentary medical practitioner of any treatment or remedies that you are taking or intend to take.

The London Acupuncture Space will keep all information confidential and secure in accordance with the UK data protection law.

Terms & Conditions