In an Italian Study, 260 women experiencing their first pregnancy with breech presentations in the 33rd week, 130 women were treated with moxibustion to the acupuncture point, Zhiyin, BL-67 for seven days, and 130 women formed a control group.
75.4% of the babies in the moxibustion group turned, compared to 47.7% in the control group. Results showed an increase in foetal activity in the moxibustion group.
The London Acupuncture Space has undergone extensive training in Fertility Acupuncture and Obstetrics Acupuncture at the Royal College of Physicians in London and at the renowned Zita West Clinic.
We are proud to receive referals from independant midwives and work closely with The Barkantine Birth Centre, which is affiliated to the Royal London Hospital.